Kind reposts


Reposted Kara Sowles Deloss (
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Attached: 1 image Did you know that Open Tech Fund has a NEW grant program just for FOSS projects? You can apply through May 17th! Join me,, Laura Cunningham, and Susan Kennedy on May 7th to learn more about the FOSS-maintenance-focused fund and how to apply: Please help spread the word about this great initiative!


Reposted Jolene (eepy moder) :heart_trans: (
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a lot of people don't get this but software rots. Just like a physical piece of wood or machine, software rusts, software rots. It's content doesn't change, sure, but the world around it does. The same database you release today, wont work 10 years later perfectly. It'll rust. It won't handle new formats, old formats will introduce new features that will confuse and break your databases algorithm software rusts and rots. The only way to keep software from rusting, just like a good metallic tool, is polishing it, maintaining it, making sure it's nice and working


Reposted Nick @ The Linux Experiment (
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Did MKBHD ruin an AI company and their product because of their negative review of it? No, the bad AI product ruined itself and its company. Just because someone created a business, found funding and created a thing doesn’t mean they should get instant recognition, and a pass for crappy stuff. Entrepreneurs aren’t your friends, they aren’t superior, they don’t deserve to be coddled. When they make sh*t products, they should be told that they made sh*t. MKBHD did their job.


Reposted Aral Balkan (
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Opposing genocide isn’t antisemitic. Saying that opposing genocide is antisemitic is antisemitic. You know what’s inhumane? Genocide. You know who’s committing genocide? Israel. You have zero moral standing to assess me. Those who commit and are complicit in genocide never do. So yes, most definitely, goodbye. #israel #palestine #gaza #apartheid #ethnicCleansing #genocide


Reposted Jonathan Yu (
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As engineers, it's easy for us to measure inputs (how much time we're spending) and outputs (lines of code written or features produced), but what really matters are the business outcomes (customers acquired and retained, revenue growth metrics, profitability), which are less directly related. It's always useful for us to step back and ask ourselves: what's the point?